I feel so fortunate when my family is all together, my girls traveled home to celebrate Mom's Day with me and when we share such quality time together it's like they never left. It doesnt' matter if they live 5 minutes or 500 miles, the comfort, the ease, the laughter and the happiness is as strong as ever.
We have a dear friend, I like to refer to her as my "other" daughter and I've been thinking about her. She flew off to New Zealand following the calling that God placed in her heart. I know that she is spending day after day away from many things which brought her comfort, warmth and joy, and this weekend I hugged her in my mind time and time again, knowing that joy has followed her on her path. To her Mom and her who didn't get their Mom's day together... hugs and more hugs to you both!
I looked around this weekend and saw sisters who are mothers, daughters who are mothers and friends who are mothers and thought I am part of this wonderful group, part of something bigger than one single mom and sharing it with others especially fantastic people, makes the journey that much more special.